Condensed Matter (since April 1992)
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Categories within Condensed Matter
- cond-mat.dis-nn - Disordered Systems and Neural Networks
current month)
Glasses and spin glasses; properties of random, aperiodic and quasiperiodic systems; transport in disordered media; localization; phenomena mediated by defects and disorder; neural networks
- cond-mat.mes-hall - Mesoscale and Nanoscale Physics
current month)
Semiconducting nanostructures: quantum dots, wires, and wells. Single electronics, spintronics, 2d electron gases, quantum Hall effect, nanotubes, graphene, plasmonic nanostructures
- cond-mat.mtrl-sci - Materials Science
current month)
Techniques, synthesis, characterization, structure. Structural phase transitions, mechanical properties, phonons. Defects, adsorbates, interfaces
- cond-mat.other - Other Condensed Matter
current month)
Work in condensed matter that does not fit into the other cond-mat classifications
- cond-mat.quant-gas - Quantum Gases
current month)
Ultracold atomic and molecular gases, Bose-Einstein condensation, Feshbach resonances, spinor condensates, optical lattices, quantum simulation with cold atoms and molecules, macroscopic interference phenomena
- cond-mat.soft - Soft Condensed Matter
current month)
Membranes, polymers, liquid crystals, glasses, colloids, granular matter
- cond-mat.stat-mech - Statistical Mechanics
current month)
Phase transitions, thermodynamics, field theory, non-equilibrium phenomena, renormalization group and scaling, integrable models, turbulence
- cond-mat.str-el - Strongly Correlated Electrons
current month)
Quantum magnetism, non-Fermi liquids, spin liquids, quantum criticality, charge density waves, metal-insulator transitions
- cond-mat.supr-con - Superconductivity
current month)
Superconductivity: theory, models, experiment. Superflow in helium